In his talk Kwajo Tweneboa will present his manifesto for change based on his first-hand experiences, from speaking to Grenfell survivors, and the parents of Awaab Ishak, who died from a respiratory condition caused by mould. It is strongly driven by his and his family’s story of living in disrepair, subject to the neglect of the systems designed to protect. He will present inspiring case studies from countries getting it right and give clear direction for how we can create meaningful change.

’In just 18 months, Kwajo has gone from desperate social housing tenant to the most important housing campaigner in the country. And he’s only just turned 24’, wrote The Big Issue newspaper, describing him as ‘Britain’s housing hero’. 'Kwajo's voice is leading the call for change on behalf of a generation who have been seriously failed by Westminster’, says Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester. 'A brilliant thinker and doer. Kwajo for Mayor of London!' - Kelechi Okafor, actress, director and public speaker.


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